Jan 3, 2007

hindsight is...too late

i've been trying to figure out a way to recap 2006 in a fun/witty/clever/interesting way and i've come to the conclusion that i have a mental block against dissecting the past year to pinpoint the good, the bad, and the ugly. self had the bad and ugly parts taken care of, as you might imagine, but i really want to focus on the good, especially now that it is a new year and, cliche as it might sound, a chance for a new start.

all in all, my year was somewhat of a rollercoaster. there were breakups and makeups, hookups and rejections, old friends and new ones, weddings and funerals, babies and engagements. there were changes in living situations, a visit to england, meeting my adorable niece, great opportunities at work, and a constant love for this city i live in. and let's not forget all of the concerts and bars and boys - oh my! there was laughter and tears and days when i didn't think i could get out of bed followed by days when i laughed so hard with my friends that i thought i might never stop smiling. i've been disappointed, overwhelmed, surprised, bitter, enlightened, frustrated, sad and delighted. i've walked out of my apartment cursing the day, only to have something or someone remind me of how lucky i am to have the life i do.

it's been a year of starbucks, wine, dinners with friends, brunches, happy hours and the occasional trip to the gym. i've played a lot of tennis, a lot of euchre and a little kickball. i've had my heart broken and when i thought i would never get over it, my friends were there to pick me up and help me through it. i've watched my little sister grow into a fantastic mom and my parents into doting grandparents. i'm reminded all the time that no matter what happens, no matter how many times a bird shits on me or a guy dumps me or i'm stressed out at work, my friends and family are my lifeline.

that's what my 2006 was really about - the people in my life. 2006 may have been a rollercoaster, but i'm so glad that when i look back at the good, the bad, and the ugly that i had my friends and family along for the ride.


adam said...

swan! you made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside!

Anonymous said...

In good times
And bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for

Anonymous said...

bitch! i sang that song too!

Anonymous said...

And don't forget that you got through another year of all my poop and fart commentary/discussion!

I am not your child's personal assisstant said...

stinky...i shed a tear! cheers to 2006!