Jun 6, 2008

25 is the new 80?

i was standing at the pick-up counter at starbucks, minding my own business and waiting for my grande skinny latte when i overheard this conversation between two girls also waiting for their coffee…..

girl 1: “oh my god. there is NO way you are older than me. i think i’m the oldest person on our team.”

girl 2: “i don’t know about that…. i’m sure i’m older than you”

girl 1: “no way. i mean, i’m 23 and i don’t know anyone older”

girl 2: “yeah, i’m definitely older than you. believe me, i’m old.”

girl 1: “it’s not like you’re 25 or something! come on!”

at this point i turned and bitch slapped this girl. (ok, not really, but i wanted to)

girl 2: “no, i’m 24, but i’m turning 25 in october! Ugh!”

another bitch slap.

girl 1: “oh, that’s still MONTHS away! you definitely do not look 25, trust me. you look young!”

and yes, bitch slap #3.

girl 2: “thanks. oh my god. how much sugar are you putting in that?!”

(at this point both have gotten their iced coffees and are at behind me at the counter adding sugar and milk)

girl 1: giggling “oh i like to put a lot of sugar and a lot of milk. you know, so it doesn’t even taste like coffee!”

girl 2: “ooohhh. good idea!”

and off they went to drink their non-coffee tasting sugary milk drinks and lament about having one foot in the grave at the ripe old ages of 23 and 24. it’s a good thing that in my 30s i have the inner peace and strength to refrain from yelling at and/or inflicting violence upon idiot stick figures with no soul. i returned to my desk and decided not too long after to pack it in for the day and head home. after all, us senior citizens need our rest.


jen said...

you're a better person than i - i wouldn't have had such restraint! i've got one foot in the grave at 35.

Anonymous said...

If you think you feel old, consider what 10yr old Eliza made her grandfather feel like when he was quizzing her on math and asked how old he would be in 10 years. Her rapid response..."dead"!

amanda said...

"idiot stick figures with no soul"

hahahaha. perfect.

Unknown said...

love your work...a little sarcasm everyday keeps the souless stick figures at bay.