Aug 14, 2006

DIY cellulite treatment

say bye-bye to cottage cheese ass and high-priced cellulite-reducing scrubs and lotions. for those of you who brew your own coffee, you're in for a treat. rumor has it that rubbing used coffee grounds on your wobbly bits will help reduce the appearance of cellulite. i guess i know what i'm doing after my morning coffee tomorrow...


amanda said...

not that I have these "wobbly bits" that you speak of, but I just emptied out the two coffee filters in the office.

Anonymous said...

Yes - this is old news andrea....see what working at Bath and Body Works does? try the Coffee Scrub for $12...or as I used to tell customers, "just try scrubbing your Maxwell on those thighs, but shhhhh you didn't hear it from me!" Thank God I didn't work on commission!!!

Anonymous said...

I will give you a dollar to try this!