Sep 4, 2006


i'm not feeling witty or fun today at all. i'm having a hard time finding the humor in the stupid things that happen to me, which i usually do quite well, i think. i'm not having a day where i'm glad to be single. i don't feel attractive even in the least bit. why so blue, you ask? i don't know. part of it is probably the fact that i've had the last 5 days off and now having to go back to work tomorrow i feel like a kid on sunday night at the end of spring break week. drinking myself stupid throughout the weekend is probably taking its toll as well. i've been tired and lazy all day and, as a result, now feel equivalent to the size of jabba the hut. that said, i had a great time this weekend. but i'm doing what i always do - getting down because i'm not happy with myself, feeling sad because i don't have a guy around, wishing i had actually gotten off the couch today and done something productive. whatever. i have to make some changes. i guess that means i need a list. dear god. here we go...

1) stop drinking so much
2) go to the gym!!
3) buy groceries instead of eating out all the time
4) be more proactive & productive at work
5) go to bed earlier & get up earlier
6) make a budget & stick with it
7) look for a 2nd job
8) get new brakes on my car and get the door fixed
9) sign up for that art class i've been talking about
10) stop complaining about men and accept the fact that i will be single indefinitely

i think that's a pretty good start. if i can manage to accomplish these things i will be saving money because i'm not drinking that much, driving to work in my safe car, working tons of productive hours between 2 jobs, going to bed early after eating a healthy dinner, getting up early to go to the gym, and squeezing in an art class once a week. whew. looks like i won't even have time to worry about being single and lonely.


Anonymous said...

the inspiration to make changes in your life that will make you more happy is great! i wish you well and will support you any way i can.

but i'm going to kick you in the teeth if you keep putting yourself down like that.

amanda said...


if you need a partner in change, you know i'm your girl.

Anonymous said...

did i just write that? or was it just that i was lying in bed last night - unable to fall asleep from all the exact same anxiety & dreaming of that same top 10 list, well, minus the whole car thing.

you are fabulous. thank you for everything this weekend - i'm sorry if i just depressed you more.

g said...

Even on a down day you found a way to be productive and think about things that'll make you feel better about yourself. Way to go!

This has cheesy comment has been brought to you by Gary, The Bald One.

I am not your child's personal assisstant said...

looks like my list...let's see...
1-6) same as my list
7) I need to find job #1
8) front and back bumper, dents on
doors, oh and rust!
9) same!!! though i did sign up for
one...i just never went
10)take better care of the man i have