Nov 8, 2010

monday funday

ok, so apparently i took the whole "wordless weekend" thing to the extreme and totally forgot to even post pictures saturday and sunday which makes me an official nablopomo failure.  but, i'm going to try to keep it up the rest of the month, just for fun.  with that, i digress...

there's one particular monday from my college days that still stands out in my mind.  that morning i was on my way to class when i got a call from my dear friend adam encouraging me to take the day off and hang out with him.  after approximately 3 seconds of arm-twisting, i agreed and monday funday was born.  we also recruited our friend rachel to skip out for the day and the three of us had a great time.

fast forward to this morning.  i was standing groggily in the shower thinking about how insanely busy my work schedule has been lately and how tired i was from the fun weekend i had in bloomington and how i just quite honestly did not want to go to work today.  as i rinsed the conditioner out of my hair and turned off the water, self quietly piped up in the back of my head....

"why don't you just take today off?  you could really use a mental health day...."

like it had all those years ago on a monday morning, it took about 3 seconds for me to decide that i could indeed call off today.  i have plenty of days to take and i didn't have anything scheduled with clients.  wrapping my towel around myself, i ran into my room and grabbed my phone, knowing the text i was about to send would seal the deal.  i sent a text to adam, who happened to be off work today, and asked if we could have a monday funday.  his enthusiastic response was all it took for me to call my boss and leave a message that i would not be in today as planned.

so today is monday funday in progress.  adam and i have run errands (very exciting as the recent target embargo has been lifted - that's a whole other story), had a yummy lunch and are now about to begin a crafty project that will make all of our wine-drinking over the last several months pay off.  (more on that to come assuming the finished product is blog-worthy)  tonight we are going to make dinner and watch the first and only season of the show "jack and bobby", which aired a few years ago but never got renewed for additional seasons.  adam and i loved this show and were very sad to see it go.  thankfully, netflix has picked it up and with the help of adam's new apple tv, we will be able to stream every episode on his nice, big flat screen telly while drinking red wine.  ahhhhh.

it also happens to be an unseasonably warm and sunny day here in chicago, so we enjoyed a nice walk earlier, which was just an added bonus.  it's going to be hard to go back to work tomorrow!


teresa-bug said...

Sounds like a perfect day!! Unemployment should make every day a funday. But it just doesn't. That damn worrying thing...
Glad you guys had a good day!

g said...

I'm glad you guys had a great Monday Funday!