Nov 23, 2010

quiet contemplation

i woke up unusually early this morning, before the alarm even went off.  it was still dark in my room and i layed there for a while, listening.  aside from the whir of the ceiling fan and the intermittent rush of the train passing in the distance, it was quiet.  no honking horns, no television, no construction noise from the project going on 6 days a week next door, not even any stomping from the heavy footfalls of my upstairs neighbor. 

as i lay there enjoying the quiet, i started thinking about my life and the things i'm thankful for.  it is, after all, thanksgiving week, and it seems appropriate to reflect on things like this right now.  so here's my short list, in no particular order....

- wonderful friends and family
- my upcoming trip to london for christmas
- the fact that i am gainfully employed
- my latest round of cardio testing that showed my heart is returning to normal functioning
- being happy in a relationship with a great guy
- living in a city with many things to do and see
- opportunities i have to travel
- my sister's visit to the states in early december

i hope you all have many things you are thankful for this holiday season!

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