Jun 6, 2006

hi ho, hi ho, across the pond i go!!!

yay! yay, yay, yay, woo paaa!!! self and i are happy as a pig in shit right now. have just successfully booked my flight to london to go see my sis and new niece!! must give a shout out to my parents who so selflessly (is that a word?) donated their american express points so that i could afford the flight.

jesus, mary and joseph, there are no words to express my excitement right now. of course, the bottle of syrah i am soon to finish is helping quite nicely (with the excitement, not my ability to coherently communicate said excitement as i feel i am conveying nothing in a particularly coherent manner right now).

in case anyone has any doubt or confusion as to why i am so freakishly excited, see above for a pic of my precious millie. would you not give an appendage to go see this child in person?!!

ok, i think i have one tiny glass of vino left and then i must go pass out. just wanted to share some good news with everyone! (yes that would be all 4 of you people who read my blog...)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute, cute, cute!!!